"Recommended Attractions in Tokyo" Tokyo Skytree

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The Tokyo Skytree became a new landmark in Tokyo after it started operating. We visited here for the first time and included this as one of the attractions itinerary.

This is the second time I have come to Japan to take a self-guided trip. My husband praised the complete tourist information in Japan. Even the routes, timetables and transportation arrangements provided on the website make it easier for foreign tourists to board and schedule.We found that there is a sightseeing bus route here in Tokyo, "Tokyo → Dream of Shitamachi", the route passes through Tokyo Station, Kanda Station (Mitsukoshi, Japan), Ueno Park, Asakusa, Asakusa Kaminarimon, Skytree, etc., buy a one-day ticket for 500 Unlimited rides in Japanese yen.

When I walked to the Skytree, I encountered a great view of clouds. The cloud bands around it were very spectacular, and many people passing by here were in for it.The air in Tokyo in the afternoon was still a little bit cold, but it didn't hurt our leisurely mood. We sat in the outdoor atrium for a long time before leaving the Skytree. Although we thought about buying tickets or visiting, we wanted to rush to the Azuma Bridge. Take the night view of Skytree and Tokyo Station.

The boats coming and going on the river next to the Azuma Bridge correspond to the Sky Tree at night. My husband and I spent more than an hour there just shooting night scenes and playing time-lapse photography in the mobile app. Let’s share my trip to Tokyo below. I have taken a photo of the Sky Tree Tower, I hope you like it.

※ 東京晴空塔由來 – 東京晴空塔的建造目的,是為了降低東京市中心內高樓林立而造成的電波傳輸障礙。並且因應類比電視訊號發射於2011年7月24日終止後,需要建立一座高度達600公尺等級的高塔取代東京鐵塔(333公尺)作為數位無線電視的訊號發射站。於2008年7月14日動工,2012年2月29日完工、同年5月22日正式啟用,其高度為634.0公尺,於2011年11月17日獲得金氏世界紀錄認證為「世界第一高塔」,成為全世界最高的自立式電波塔[2]。其亦為目前世界第二高的人工構造物,僅次於哈里發塔。(資訊載自維基百科)

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Things to do in Tokyo -

◎ Tokyo Skytree. Tokyo Skytree
– Address: 1-1-2, Oshiage, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
– Phone: 81 3-5302-3470
-Official website:http://www.tokyo-skytree.jp/cn_t/
– Opening hours of the observatory: 8:00~22:00
* Two-stage tickets: 2000 yen for adults, 1500 yen for high school students, 900 yen for elementary school students, and 600 yen for preschool children
* One-stage ticket: 1000 yen for adults, 800 yen for high school students, 500 yen for elementary school students, 300 yen for preschool children

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