"Maple Viewing Spots in Kyoto" Mitoi Maple Leaf Garden in Kitano Tenmangu: a paradise of red maple

Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, this unexpected maple viewing spot in Kyoto was one of her favorite spots when she met Happy Cloud once, because it is not the first choice for most maple viewing trips, so it is often tourists. In a few cases, on the quiet and noisy trail, only the sound of the wind passing through the red leaves and the occasional admiration of "きれい" are heard.

How to get there: How to get to Kitano Tenmangu Shrine in Kyoto?

When we planned our trip to Kyoto by ourselves, we felt that the city bus was very convenient. In addition to connecting large and small attractions, you can see where the bus is going from the stop sign between the stations, so we will try our best to arrange the hotel near the Kyoto station , And then take the bus to various attractions.How do I get to Kitano Tenmangu Shrine?We have compiled several transportation methods as follows, so that everyone knows the transportation information of the scenic spots while planning their itineraries.

‧ In front of JR Kyoto Station, take city bus No. 50 and No. 101
‧ Take the city bus No. 55 on JR Subway Nijo Station
‧ From JR Enmachi Station, take City Bus No. 203
‧ Take the city bus No. 51, 102, and 203 from Imadegawa Station on the subway
‧ Take city bus 102 and 203 at Keihan Demachi Yanagi Station
‧ Take City Bus No. 10 at Keihan Sanjo Station
‧ Take the city bus No. 55 from Hankyu Omiya Station
‧ Take city bus No. 203 from Hankyu Nishiin Station
‧ About 5 minutes on foot from Shiraumecho Station on Keifuku Tram

Kitano Tenmangu Palace, a leisurely trail surrounded by red leaves, must visit!

Today is the first time for the maple viewing party to encounter cloudy and rainy days, compared with the previous dayTofukuji Temple is full of sunshineThe weather conditions when I arrived at Tianman Temple, I couldn’t afford the motivation at all. I watched the light rain in the sky and ate the hot food I bought from the market, waiting for the rain to stop. Visit inside.If you want to enter the Mitoi, you have to pay (600 yen for adults, 300 yen for children), and a tea fruit is included.Let’s first help you sort out the background of Mitoi. There are several Mitoi in Kyoto. It is said that Toyotomi Hideyoshi built it to defend against foreign enemies and waterproofing. This earthen wall is about 23 kilometers long, and Mitoi is used as Kyoto’s. "Luozhong" and "Luowai", the part of the earth wall enclosing Kyoto is Luozhong, secretly speaking, Tenmangu Palace has only part of the remaining earth wall and is designated as a historical site.

Kitano Tenmangu Palace Mitoi 01

▲ The "seeing" written on the bottom left is "it's time to watch".

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▲Buy the tickets and let's go!

Kitano Tenmangu Palace Mitoi 03

▲ Wrap around the red leaves on the top + enjoy tea and fruit for about 90 minutes.

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▲ The shooting time is 11/25. Although it is not really popular, I like the colors!

Kitano Tenmangu Palace is also known as Hongyeyuan, the most beautiful shooting angle is Yingqiao!

On rainy days and there are not many tourists, we hardly need to wait in line and have fun taking pictures from Yingqiao's best angle of photography! In 2007, Mitoju was opened to the public under the name of "Hongyeyuan". We visited the experience on our own and loved the red leaves surrounding the gurgling paper house river. Occasionally, the green bamboo was used as a color contrast scene, which is a very good place to kill the negatives.

Kitano Tenmangu Palace Mitoi 06

▲ The uncle at the bottom right is taking... the angle of the photo below!

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▲ Red and yellow, the Yingqiao in Kitano Tenmangu Shrine is really beautiful!

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▲ I always think...if it's a sunny day, it would be more beautiful...

Kitano Tenmangu Palace Mitoi 12

▲ The tourists who wander around must record the beauty of the red leaves!

Kitano Tenmangu Palace Mitoi 13

▲ What they filmed is the scene of the stream passing through it.

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▲ Those who come to enjoy the maple, remember to bring a telephoto lens with your photography equipment.

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▲ We are the red leaves on the top of the first tree and the second distant stream.

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▲ Sit down when you are tired and enjoy this moment!

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▲ Nothing can compare to this scene. I am happy again and finally see the beauty of the autumn leaves in Kyoto!

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Kitano Tenmangu Palace Mitoi 31

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Kitano Tenmangu Palace Mitoi 33

▲ You can't stop shooting with your camera!

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▲ At the terminal, come and have a cup of warm tea and enjoy a little bit.

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Kitano Tenmangu Palace Mitoi 39

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▲ After enjoying the red leaves, Tenmangu Palace has stopped raining, we are going to go to the antique market outside!

◎ The historical relic of the Kitano Tenmiya Palace, the Imperial Garden of the Imperial Court.Mitoi Maple Leaf Garden, Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, Kyoto
– Address: 〒602-8386 Kitano Amimiya Shrine, Bakurocho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City
– Phone: 075-461-0005
– Fax: 075-461-6556
– Opening hours: 9:00~17:00
– 御土居(红叶苑)开放时间:11月上旬~12月上旬 9:00~16:00 夜晚点灯至20:00为止
-Mitoi (Momiji Garden) fare: 600 yen for adults, 300 yen for children (with refreshments)
– 交通:京都市区巴士10、50、101、102、203线,于北野天满宫前站下车
-Official website:http://kitanotenmangu.or.jp/
– Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/kitanotenmangu

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